Mains: Loeci (pronounced LOW-kee) and Lilacrose
LMB alts: Isranayr, Estelmiriel, Illystar, Silmairien, Cyrce, Snapdragonn, Wyldbyrd, Jaznah, and Wyldbeary
Fury's Paean: Ladgerdaa, Simoric
Werewargs of Lindon: Scallywarg, Scallypaws
Order of the Silver Flame alts: Drakmoor, Dawnie, and others
Alt kins: Scallyrats Rum Pirates: Beldawraith, Gilarii, Alagosil
East of the Sun West of the Moon: Mystralia
Pies n' Pints: Belgariath
Pievengers of the Shire: Snowdropp
Scallyrat's Rum Pirate Band: Scallysong, Scallyrum, Scallymouse, Scallyrogue, and Scallyshark
The Byrd and Berri Inn: Wyldbyrd, Wyldberri
other games: SWTOR (Loeci, Gil'raen and many others), ESO @wolfsong66 (Loeci, Shaolinn, Illystar, White'heart, Drak'moor, etc)
“Above all shadows rides the Sun
and Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the Stars farewell.”