re: App: TheCleglaw
by TheCleglaw on 2024/05/08 2:47 pm
The application submitted by TheCleglaw is as follows:
Quote: | Name : Cleglaw
Game : Lord of the Rings Online
Server : Landroval
Level : 107
Gender : Male
Race : Race of Man
Class : Captain
Please note: While we do have a presence on other servers, we are primarily a Landroval-based kinship. Our regular weekly events, and our marquee events Weatherstock and Winterstock, are held on the Landroval server.
Have you read & do you agree with LMB charter?:
Do you understand that Kin chat channel is for LOTRO and Tolkien related chat only?:
Use this area to share why you want to join LMB.:
I've been a LOTR fan since 2001 when I was 6 years old, and a music fan since around the same time. I've only ever got to level 107 on LOTRO.. I primarily log in to hang with people and enjoy the music in Bree. I'd love to make a few more accounts and start my own music group, eventually. My old kinship, The Alliance, has sadly dwindled in activity. I'd be glad to join you all for good company and good music :)
Player info:
Age Range:
Tell us about any MMO or RP experience you may have (RP is not required for membership, we are just curious): :
Too many years of WoW! Guild Wars 1 and 2, Warhammer Online, Diablo, Wildstar, SWTOR, Path of Exile
Please tell us what time zone you are in. (i.e. EST): :
Character information:
Tell us about your character: :
Cleglaw is a captain! My favorite class, 100%. He's inspired by Aragorn, Eomer, Faramir, and other stoutly men. The name is based on an item in Diablo 2!
Please tell us of any previous/current kinships you have character(s) in LOTRO. :
The Alliance is the main one I've been with!
LMB experience:
Were you referred by a current member? Who?: :
Have you ever been to LMB hosted event? If yes, what were your impressions? If no, are you planning on it in the next week? (Highly recommended!):
Not yet, but I will be glad to attend!
Gameplay preferences:
What activities do you enjoy most in LOTRO? :
Good company, good music, and enjoying the lore in combination with the environments!
Kinship expectations:
What are your expectations from LMB as a member? :
To contribute some good tunes and positive social interaction :)
What do you think your strongest contribution to LMB would be? :
Music from avenues that may be less commonly played, in the heavy metal vein! I'm also a team player, I'm here to have fun and help others!
Have you read the books or seen the movies? What are your favourite scenes or images? :
Oh yes. Too many to count. :) I've listened to the Rob Inglis audio book so many times, honestly at least 6 or 7 times by now.
Is there anything else not covered in this application that you'd like to share with us? :
Not much! I'm just a 29 year old dude who enjoys tech, dogs, music, RPGs, and video game level design :)
Joined: 05 Jun 2010 Posts: 4052
re: APPROVED - App: TheCleglaw - by Beorbrand
by Beorbrand on 2024/05/11 9:50 pm
Your application has been approved. Please seek out an officer in-game for your recruit interview. If you haven't already done so you may wish to /joinchannel alesandtales to assist you in finding an officer of the Lonely Mountain Band.
We're most active on Discord if you'd like to seek us there. Thanks!