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re: Upcoming Ales & Tales - stage crew always needed!

Have an interest in helping out at Ales & Tales? We would love to have you join in, both veteran and new members are welcome to play with the house band and/or sign up for the different stage crew duties. Do not be shy - we love the extra hands!

To make stage crew signups easier week by week, please refer to this handy Google Doc!

This will be our ongoing sign up page, so you can sign up weeks in advance if you know you want to do a particular stage crew job. Anyone can access the page if you have the link above, and anyone can edit it. Please don't change the dates/locations/job titles, but just type your name in for the job you want each week. Thanks for all you do, kinfolk, to pull off Ales and Tales every week! It is amazing that it is still going strong after this long and it's all because of our awesome volunteers who run the show as well as perform in it!

edited by Lhinnthel on May 31, 2015

High Officer

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re: Upcoming Ales & Tales - stage crew always needed!

As the original post says - Ales and Tales is always looking for folks to help out backstage! Whether you'd like to play with Old Winyards, pass out booze and refreshment or help solicit and wrangle acts - we would love to have your help! The jobs are not difficult, but it makes for a smooth experience when many are helping out.

STAGE MANAGER: Advertise for the event. Take /tells and organize the acts. Prompt performers to let them know when they are to take the stage. Alert MC of order of acts.

Sample ad: Greetings, friends! Please join us for Ales & Tales at [LOCATION]. Nibbles & Nobs starts at 8:30pm with open-stage, followed by the main show at 9:30pm EST|servertime. Send [YOUR NAME] a /tell to perform in the Main show. All are welcome - we hope to see you there!

MASTER(S) OF CEREMONIES: Host the show by welcoming everyone and announcing each act as prompted by the Stage Manager. Be amusing on stage.

OLD WINYARDS BANDLEADER: Prepare an opening set (15-20 minutes) plus a dance set (20-30 minutes). Prompt musicians in raid-chat for songs. Prepare to cut or extend the music sets as needed.

BOOZE MASTER(S): Pass out drinks, pie & pipeweed. Supplies are kept in main kinhouse, the brewery, or other houses by arrangement. Mention in kinchat that you need refreshments or contact Lhinnthel or Byrcha for supplies.

MUSICAL MENTORING DIRECTOR: Match minstrel mentors to students who want to learn instruments during the mid-show announcements & mentoring time.

ANCHOR ELF (OR HOBBIT/ DWARF/ MAN): Collect news of upcoming events from sources such as LMB forums, LOTRO forums, Landroval Lately, etc., and announce them when the stage manager calls for announcements. See 'Announcements' tab for details.

LAYER WRANGLER (if needed): Station yourself in the correct layer and offer to fellowship with folks so they can transfer to the layer where the fun is happening.

DANCE MASTER: Organize group dances - circle, line, partner, etc. - during the OW dance set and, if you wish, during other musical performances too.

STAFF ARTIST: Take screeshots and upload some of the best to the A&T Facebook page and/or LMB Ales & Tales forum from which they can be used for blog reports.

SOCIAL REPORTER(S) (BLOGS, LANDROVAL TIMES, ETC.): Write up a report about the show and post it on your blog, the Ales & Tales subforum on LMB forums, or other social outlet. Posting pictures to the Ales and Tales Facebook page is good too!

SOUND TECHNICIAN: Copy what is said by MC and performers in /say and /shout and rebroadcast it to /alesandtales. You can broadcast song lyrics if you want but don't have to, especially if it's a fast song.

LIVE TWEETER: Take screenshots and post them to Twitter with the #lotro hashtag.

CHAT LOGGER(S): Log chat for a record of the show. Best to log a separate chat tab with only /say and /alesandtales. Post log to the Ales & Tales subforum on LMB forums.

Lhinnthel (main) :: Wrenlhin :: Avlina + many more :: Lalië Fëa (alt-kin) :: Foofy Cliff Divers  (alt-kin)
Main Houses :: 2 High Rd, Raglan, Bree :: 6 Bay Rd, Parth Ithil, Belfalas :: 2 Waterbank, Tund Ondren, Falathorn
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Other games :: GW2 (Fayarra.4827) :: ESO (Fayarra26)
"...the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing:
there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
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